
Long term boarding available in our home.
Dogs requiring separation from other animals due to incompatibility will be housed in secure kennels in a secure garage with maintained temperature. These dogs will be provided ample time outside to potty, play, and receive appropriate attention.
Any new clients will be subject to an assessment to determine suitability for long term boarding at the discretion of Forte Canine.
Long term boarding clients are required to be current on all pertinent vaccinations or supply a signed waiver of liability and/or a note from the vet explaining the reason for lack of vaccinations.
We are currently not housing human-aggression cases.
Accommodations can be made for most health issues, dietary issues, etc. Please be thorough and honest when submitting an inquiry.

Daily Rate: $45/day
Puppy Rate*: $55/day
Additional Dog (from the same household):
Holiday Rate**:
Extended Stay Discount: 20% off entire total for stays exceeding 14 days.

*puppies are any dog under 18 months old
*holiday rate includes: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day Weekend (Fri-Mon), Father’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day Weekend (Fri-Mon), Halloween, Thanksgiving Day incl. Friday-Sunday, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day THROUGH New Year’s Day (ie: from December 24th through Jan 1st will be charged Holiday Rate)

Add Ons

Simple Bath: $20
Bath and Blow Out: $50
Bath, Blow Out, Basic Trim: $80
Breed Specific Groom/Trim: $100+ (quote will be provided)
Nail Trim: $10
Daily Hikes: $10/day
Refresher (view Training description): $20

*Potential Additional Charges*

Late Pick Up: $10/30 minutes beyond pick up time
Flea Treatment: $30/day required until fleas are no longer noticeable on the dog
Food: $5/day